
Hi! This is Dianne from Spotgini


Spotgini enables you to build an online Conversational Interface where people can message or chat with you. We have a new feature called Firestarter. It allows people in your network to use their network to raise money and request your services. Check us out!!!

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Chat with people trying to get a hold of you while you're offline using curated and automated responses created by you.

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Enable people to make plans with you using our built in scheduler feature that is fully automated and easy to interact with.

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This feature allows people in your social network to use their social network to raise money and request you for their events.

Use on the go

Setup on Desktop. Access on any mobile browser.
Embed chat window in your website.
On Android add the shortcut on your homescreen using chrome. Use it like a native app.

 Try Demo!   Chatbot